Do Essential Oils Actually Work For Acne


Acne is a skin disease that affects teenagers but also adults. Highly complexing, this dermatological problem gives a hard time to treat it.

There are many treatments but, in the end, few are effective or too aggressive for the skin. Some contraceptive pills like Jasmine are effective but you should also know that essential oils should be part of your care routine if you have acne or pimples leave scars on your skin.

The essential oil of Tea Tree is for example well known by dermatologists for its effectiveness but there are others. Which ones? This is what we will tell you in this comprehensive guide on essential oils to fight against acne. We will also explain how to apply them and give you some tips and our selection of the best essential oils of the moment.

Tea Tree oil for fighting acne

Tea Tree essential oil is the reference when it comes to natural treatment against acne. It acts as a powerful antibacterial and as an anti-inflammatory.

Its effectiveness is such that it is compared by studies with benzoyl peroxide which is well known as a powerful treatment for acne control.

This essential oil is fairly well tolerated by the skin but if you realize that the buttons burn you after application for example, we advise you to rinse to dilute. If you are in this case, you can for the next applications dilute in your moisturizer or with a plant to the tune of 5%. The Tea Tree blend and the true lavender essential oil works well.

To apply it nothing very complicated. You can use a cotton swab to apply on acne pimples or blackheads once a day. If you combine it with a moisturizer or other essential or vegetable oil, you can apply it morning and evening.

Why use essential oils against acne?

The anti-acne power of essential oils is well established because they have been proven for a long time.

Essential oils are highly concentrated liquids of plants and flowers and are obtained by different processes. If used properly, they are formidable against pimples and acne scars.

Why? Simply because they have all the desired properties to fight against acne. Essential oils are indeed anti-infectious, anti-bacterial and healing, soothing and hormonal regulators. All without drying or attacking the skin.

They will therefore address the various factors that cause acne. Essential oils are also very popular because they do not clog the pores of the skin, have no side effects or contraindications if they are well used and are simply natural solutions.

Effectiveness of oils for the treatment of scars

When you suffer from acne and the pimples finally disappear, it often happens that they leave scars. These are unattractive and when they are numerous, are complexing.

But this is fortunately not a fatality. Avoid aggressive treatments that will be pests for your skin and choose preferably natural products to get rid of scars caused by acne.

Among the effective treatments to get rid of these scars that ruin our lives, essential oils are in good position and often recommended. They are also effective in preventing scars if you use them as soon as the pimples appear.

Essential oils have antiseptic and healing properties and that is why they are effective. Some like cinnamon essential oil are very concentrated in active agent so we advise you to be careful and mix it with an anti-acne vegetable oil.

Other essential oils to fight against acne

Even though Tea Tree Essential Oil is the best-known and most used, it’s not the only one that is effective at treating acne, far from it. Here is the list of the most effective essential oils and our selection of products:

Lavender oil

lavender oil, also known as fine lavender, is a widely used oil for many ailments including acne treatment. It is a very effective essential oil for acne and scars left by pimples because it is antiseptic, healing, anti-inflammatory, regenerative, purifying and soothing. Just that!

It can be used with Tea Tree essential oil or Jojoba vegetable oil. It adapts to all types of skin, even the most sensitive. You can apply it pure or diluted with a cotton swab directly on the pimples or scars.

Geranium oil

Another essential oil widely used for its effectiveness in the treatment of acne, geranium rosat essential oil has been proven for a long time. Its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing properties make it a real weapon against acne pimples.

You can use it regardless of your type of skin, from the greasiest to the most sensitive and for an optimal result, diluted with sweet almond oil.

Mix essential oils: a good idea?

Applying a pure essential oil directly to the skin is possible provided that it is not irritating. When you pass an essential oil on a button and it burns you, we advise you to rinse it immediately and to dilute it for the next applications.

Dilute your essential oils with vegetable oils

To avoid burns and tingling, we advise you to mix your essential oil with a so-called neutral vegetable oil with 2 drops of essential oil for 10 ml of vegetable oil.

To treat your acne, here are some vegetable oils to dilute with your essential oil:

● Jojoba oil

It is the star of vegetable oils to mix with an essential oil. Its composition resembles that of sebum. She is therefore an excellent regulator. Anti-inflammatory, healing, we advise you to treat with an essential oil your acne.

● Argan oil

Well known for its benefits, argan oil is interesting in the treatment of acne but also scars left by pimples. It is moisturizing, antioxidant and contains vitamin E or omega-6.

How to use essential oils?

There are several ways to use an essential oil. If it is pure, after checking that it will not be irritating to your skin and that it will not cause burns, you can put a drop of essential oil on a cotton swab and you apply it directly on buttons.

If it is diluted with a vegetable oil, you can put on the fingertips and massage your skin gently. Avoid the eye area.

You can apply it morning and evening. The first results do not appear after 2 days of course but after 2 to 3 weeks if you apply the essential oil daily.

Our tips and tricks daily against acne problems

Acne is a nightmare for those who suffer from it. Very complexing, it spoils the lives of teenagers but also adults. Here are some tips to prevent acne or reduce it:

● Do not puncture or scratch your pimples

It is certainly very tempting to want to pierce an acne but it is the thing not to do. By piercing a button, you can cause the appearance of a scar. You may also spread the infected and inflamed area.

● Have good skin hygiene

Having good skin hygiene is essential. But be careful not to overeat it and not with anything. For acne prone skin, it is not recommended to use aggressive products, with alcohol that would cause the opposite effect to that sought.

● Be careful of makeup and shaving

If you wear make-up, it is essential to clean your skin every day. Also remember to clean your makeup brushes and not to lend them. Avoid foundation and powders because if you are prone to acne, your skin must breathe. By avoiding the foundation, your skin will heal faster.

For those who shave, if you tend to have acne pimples, avoid using an after-shave that contains alcohol. If you can, space the shaves.

● Do not overdo it

To have a beautiful smooth skin, we can think that we must do a lot of care. It’s the opposite. Do not make too many scrubs or masks because your skin will feel aggression and to defend itself, it will produce more sebum and therefore acne pimples.

● Pay attention to your diet

Having a balanced diet is part of the anti-acne treatment. Avoid industrial products and limit your sugar consumption!